Did you know that it takes 10,000 hours to master something? Whether it’s achieving success in your health, relationships, career, or spiritual life, mastery comes through consistent effort and dedication.
By Maaike Del Villar
October 6, 2024 - 2:00 PM CST
But let’s flip the script: What have you unintentionally mastered over the past decade? This might be a tough question to face, but the truth can be transformative.
Maybe you’ve mastered insecurity, regret, or even the art of staying in your comfort zone. Perhaps you’ve mastered unhealthy habits, feeling stuck, or avoiding opportunities. Have you become a master at playing it safe? At ignoring your body's signals for change? We’ve all been there in some way—stuck in patterns that don’t serve us.
Here’s the good news: you don’t need another 10 years to unlearn those limiting habits. It won’t take a lifetime to shift your course. But—and this is key—it will take action and grit.
As Tony Robbins says, "People overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in five." So, what if you started tomorrow? What if, the moment you rolled out of bed, you adopted small habits that could slowly but surely change your life—even just by an inch a day?
Curious about where that might lead you? Let’s explore that possibility together!
Remember, when you first start something new, it can feel uncomfortable and even strange. That’s normal! Keep reminding yourself: “I’m doing this because it’s my path to my destiny, my well-being.” Over time, with practice, that new habit will become less awkward and more familiar—eventually turning into an automatic behavior. Think of brushing your teeth: You don’t even think about it anymore, right? You've mastered it simply by repetition!
The same can be true for any habit. Imagine how much mental freedom you’ll gain by mastering simple, healthy behaviors. Take a deep breath—can you feel the relief of knowing you can change? And you can start right now!
What would happen if you committed to 3 simple actions for the next 7 days? Let’s get back to basics:
Wake up and drink water. Yes, H2O! Start tomorrow.
Move your body. Wiggle, stretch, dance—just find ways to move more!
Breathe deeply. Oxygen is free, and it’s the first thing you did when you were born! Try taking deep breaths throughout the day, especially before meals.
Pay attention to how you feel after doing these consistently. Notice how your energy, focus, and productivity shift.
Will you commit to feeling 1% better each day? Ready to embark on your health and life transformation? I’d love to hear what your first new habit will be. Send me a message and let’s start this journey together!